Hope | Hallowed | Harmony | HB | Headstone | |
Hero | Hilastherion | Holy Blood | Holy Soldier ![]() |
Heartcry | Hearken |
Heavenly Soldiers | Holy Knight | Horde |
Hallowed is a rather new Power Metal band from Finland. They had two very promising tunes on the Finnish Metal Compilation "From Kaamos To Light". One thing they have improved since then is the singing. They even have a new singer now in Michael Majalahti that really does the music justice. Music is melodic and crunchy and has some very tasty guitarleads. Favourite tracks are End of the Age, The Challenge and Jesus Christ. The Chosen One is too slow to my liking and New Millenium has too less hooks in it. Lyrically it's full on for Christ. The cd also got a very cool cover with lots of cool symbolic and imagery from the book of Revelation. I would say this is a very promising band. But there are a few things they need to improve to beat the best bands. That is to speed up the tempo a bit, do more guitarsolos (they got the capability, just need to go for it more), and last but not least incorporate more hooks to their sound. And last but not least they need to do a fulllength album! This 5-tune cd just makes me wanna hear more... To sum it up I really like three of the five tunes so I can definately recommend this cd and give it the rating 3+. Well done dudes, really looking forward to your next release... References: Recommended if you like christian bands like Stryper, Seventh Avenue and Lightmare or are looking for an alternative to secular Power Metal bands like Gammaray and Helloween. Website: http://www.hallowedmetal.com/ Orderinfo: Check with the mailordercompanys listed here Back to top
Do you love melodic metal? Do you love 80s Metal bands like Stryper, Holy Soldier etc? If you do, then this is a band you mustn't miss!! Cause what we have here is a quality melodic metal band that are gonna rock your socks off! This is in fact the best new melodic metal band I have heard for years! Production is excellent and the music is filled with moving harmonies, memorable hooks and beautiful guitarsolos, just as it was in the golden 80s. Music also has plenty of variation and melody as well as some symfonic influences. Harmony are really good in making memorable hooks and are even more melodic than Narnia. The guitarist Markus Sigfridsson is very talented and an evident Yngwie/Grimmark influence can be heard. Just like Narnia, Harmony is also hailing from Sweden. Lyrics are both biblical and thoughtprovoking. Something outstanding with this cd is also the booklet that is one of the coolest I have ever seen! Favorite cuts are Eternity, Maze of the Past, Without You, When Shadows Fall and Remember. Don't think I can say anything negative about this cd. It just rocks and so far it's definately the best release this year. If you just have money to buy one cd this year then get this one. Harmony, make sure you remember this name. This is definately a band for the future that is gonna be big, hear my words. References: Melodic metallers are gonna drool over this excellent release!! If you are into bands like Stryper, Narnia, Holy Soldier, Treasure Seeker etc you are gonna love this band! This is such a band that you don't wanna miss. For those of you that aren't that familiar with christian bands I can highly recommend it to fans of melodic guitarshredding metal bands like Yngwie Malmsteen and Stratovarius. Website: http://www.harmonymetal.net Orderinfo: Check with the mailordercompanys listed here here People living in Sweden can also get it from Metal Community Back to top
HB stand for Holy Bible. They hail from Finland and delivers Symphonic Metal with a female vocalist. Musically they remind of Nightwish. Heavy tunes like God Has All Power, It Is Time and Be Aware simply rules. They are incredibly good! With more tunes like these HB could be the best band in the world. I also really enjoy the Bible inspired lyrics very much. The beautiful vocalist Johanna also sings really well. On the negative side the album however contains some soft tunes that totally lacks heaviness, and I just can't understand why they are on a METAL album! To sum it up Frozen Inside as a whole is a really good album and I give it a 3+ rating. Fans of Nightwish are definately gonna love it. I just hope that the band goes for heaviness to 100% and only includes heavy tracks on next album, cause then there is no limits to have good this band can be. References: Fans of Symphonic Metal a la Nightwish are gonna love this band! Website: http://www.myspace.com/hbmetal Orderinfo: Check with the mailordercompanys listed here here Back to top
Headstone is a new experience to me. Have not heard about the band before, although they released this album 2013. Something I really like with the band are their Christ centered lyrics. A big plus also for the cool celtic cross in their logotype! Musically however, I'm not that thrilled. Tempo is overall slow and a bit groovy, but most of the tunes don't grab me. They are just too slow and boring. I want more variation and catchy hooks and maybe some more heaviness as well. Some more speed and tempo changes would be nice as well to make the tunes more interesting. They do have some nice guitar play and melodic melodies, but they need to develop it more. I totally enjoy Headstone's Christ centered lyrics. They surely have a great focus, but musically they need to improve the areas I mentioned above. References: Give it a try if you want to check out an up'n'coming band with Christ in center. Website: http://www.headstone118.com Orderinfo: Check with the band's website http://www.headstone118.com Back to top
Hearken has finally released a fullength cd. They are one of the best bands when it comes to writing biblical based lyrics and that's their biggest strength. When it comes to the music they have changed style to more traditional american death metal. Unfortunately that's not my favourite kind of metal. I have very hard to like this kind of death metal since it's way too little harmony/melody in it to my taste. With this said I do like some tunes like for example Who Will Remain. Well not really my thing, but still tight, well done american death metal that I'm sure you will like if you are into this genre. References: Check it out if you like american death metal. Website: http://www.hearken.tripod.com Orderinfo: Check with the band's website http://www.hearken.tripod.com Back to top
Heartcry is back again. This classic hardrock band from Sweden have played for many years. The latest years though has been very silent from the band and they have taken a wellneeded rest. But now Anders Johansson, the band's frontman has got new inspiration and the band is back again with a new setting and a heavier sound. Another change from previous albums is that they now sing in English. Favourite tracks are Burn Out, End of Times and Dark Side. The band's sound can be described as fast melodic 70s heavy metal with attitude that reminds somewhat of Saint. The album also contains quite a few guitar solos and tasty melodies. On the negative side some tracks at the end doesn't really feel worked through enough and isn't up to par with the rest. Sometimes Anders also tries to sing harsher than his voice can handle. These things takes the grade down. As a whole though Lightmaker is a good enjoyable cd with insightful lyrics. Good to hear some aggressive Heavy Metal again. References: Fans of Christian bands like Saint and Modest Attraction will enjoy this, as well as fans of Secular bands like Deep Purple, Judas Priest, Uriah Heep, Rainbow and Nazareth. Website: http://heartcry.listen.to Orderinfo: Check with the mailordercompanys listed here here Back to top
Heavenly Soldiers is a new metalband from Switzerland. This 3-track-cd is their first release. Typical for their sound is that the vocals are mostly done by a duo of a girl and a boy. Sorry to say this combination don't work well since the female vocals many times is out of range. Tabea, the female vocalist needs to sing a bit lower, for her own best. On the positive side I do hear some promising guitarplay and harmonies here so with more practise this can be something. Another good thing is the lyrics that are very biblical and Christ honouring. So they do have a good ground to build on but need to practise more, lift up the guitars more and do the tunes more catchy. My favourite track is He Shall Be Called with it's cool guitarintro, catchy rhyme and enjoyable guitar solos.This can be a real hit tune! More tunes like this, a tighter sound, better production and future releases can be really interesting. An ok debut, I just wished the production was better. I'll give it a 2+ rating. References: Check it out if you like Classic Melodic Metal and want something new. Website: http://www.heavenly-soldiers.tk Orderinfo: Available from the band's website http://www.heavenly-soldiers.tk Back to top
Immortal shows a big improvement, especially when it comes to the vocals. You can really hear that Michael Hero has taken song lessons. Besides the vocal improvements, the band has also incorporated more catchy hooks to their tunes. The album as a whole also has a really heavy and groovy sound and the more you listen to it the more it grows on you. Fans of bands like Him will definately enjoy Hero's heavy and melodic sound. Really cool stuff and definately one album I can recommend. References: Heavy & Dark Melodic Metal. Fans of Him will definately enjoy this. Orderinfo: Check with the mailordercompanys listed here here Website: http://www.myspace.com/herosweden Back to top
Remember Sons of Thunder? The guitarist from that band Michael Hero has now started up a new band called Hero. The other members in the band are Tomas and Torbjörn Weinesjö from Veni Domine and Björn Sundström. Compared to Sons of Thunder this is more melodic and has more guitarsolos and more of an 80s feel on it. Music has plenty of hooks and choruses as well as some tasty guitar solos. Really love the guitarsolos on this album! What holds the band back a bit though are the vocals, that do need to be improved. Some singing lessons would be good to Michael Hero, so he can improve his singing technique. Favourite tracks are Holy, Deo Gloria, Superior and Bless This Nation. Would love to hear more tunes of this caliber on coming releases. Bless This Nation is as a whole a cool cd that gives good hope for the future. I give it two thumbs up and a 3+ rating. References: Check it out if you are into melodic metal. Orderinfo: Available from the band's website below Website: http://www.myspace.com/herosweden Back to top
Hilastherion is back with their 2nd album of pure Melodic and Progressive Death Metal. Like their first album this one is filled with plenty of heavy rhythms and tasty guitar solos. Sound is both brutally heavy and yet melodic and progressive. Lyrically, this is one of my favourite albums, since the lyrics are both very honest (about struggles we can face etc) and Christ centered. Here is one example of the lyrics from the track Through You: "It is not about what I 've done. Through Your blood I am saved. Therefore I can stand tall when temptations come my way. I want to live for you only my Lord. Let my life be your holy witness. Through you my God almighty I can achieve anything." An excellent album in all ways that you don't wanna miss if you are a fan of Brutal & Melodic & Progressive Death Metal! However, since I am not the biggest fan of Progressive Metal, but prefer when it 100% Melodic I won't give it a 5, but I will definately give it a rating of 4+. Cool stuff, indeed! Death Metal fans will be delighted to hear this excellent and wellproduced album. References: Must have if you are into Melodic and Progressive Death Metal and especially if you are into Schaliach, Terraphobia or secular bands like Children of Bodom. Orderinfo: Check with the mailordercompanys listed here here Website: http://www.hilastherion.com Back to top
Wow, what an album! This albums stands out in all ways. Musically it's filled with bonecrushing Melodic Death Metal. Fans of secular band Children of Bodom will be knocked to the ground when they hear this excellent album. If you ever wanted a quality Christian Metal band in this genre Hilastherion is what you have been looking for. What really stands out is the heavy rhythms and the tasty guitar solos. If you enjoy the melodic harmonies of Schaliach you will also greatly enjoy this, although Hilastherion's sound is much faster. Lyrically, this is also one of my favourite albums, since the lyrics are both very honest and Christcentered, and you can really see that the band cares for people and wants their best. An outstanding album in all ways that you can't afford to miss if you are a fan of Heavy & Melodic Death Metal! References: Must have if you are into Melodic Death Metal and especially if you are into Children of Bodom. Orderinfo: Check with the mailordercompanys listed here here Website: http://www.hilastherion.com Back to top
In 1994 black metal was very popular. In that year this groundbreaking album with Horde was released, an album which radically differs from the usual clichés in black metal. Musically and vocally its just as fast, grim and brutal as ordinary black metal bands. But what differs is the lyrics. Instead of worshipping satan the lyrics on this album speak against the devil and all evil and proclaims Jesus' victory of satan. As a result Horde alias Mr Anonymous immediately become very hated among the satanic black metal bands and the band and its label were threaten to death by many. A very controversial album, indeed that also became the first christian black metal cd and the start of this genre. Then in 2004, ten years after the album was released originally Hellig Usvart (Holy Unblack) was rereleased including the bonustrack O Master on Rowe Productions. This is a really cool album and despite its brutality it still contains brutal harmonies that are very catchy. Highly recommended to fans of early Black Metal. A legendary release for any fan of the real brutal stuff! References: A groundbreaking release that started the whole movement of Christian Black Metal! A must have for anyone into this genre. Website: http://come.to/legacyofhorde Orderinfo: Check with the mailordercompanys listed here here Back to top
The Wanderer is Holy Blood's first release filled with furious black metal influenced by folk music. Compared to their second release Waves Are Dancing this isn't in the same caliber. Sure the brutality is here as well but the vocals sounds horrible on some tunes and the compositions are many times repetitive. Waves Are Dancing are so much better in all ways. But this release do has its moments like on Morning with it's beautiful harmonies. In The Lake of Fire, The Poor World, On Drakkares of Fate and Cold Winds are some other good tracks that have more variation and a crunchy rhythm. So they do show that they have potential but Waves Are Dancing is still a much better album. So get Waves Are Dancing instead, that's my advice. References: Check it out if you are into viking metal. Website: http://www.holyblood.metal-forever.com Orderinfo: Check with the mailordercompanys listed here here Back to top
This is a cool viking metal band from Ucraine. They have a style of their own mixing harmonies from Ucrainian folk-influences and black metal. Music is mostly catchy and makes you wanna singalong. At times I get the feeling of being among vikings preparing for war. The band mix slow parts with fast blastbeats and the tunes have a lot of variation. Favourite tracks are In The Last Battle, Waves Are Dancing. More tracks in the calibre of these would be great to hear on coming releases. Vocals are very raw. For the most part this fits very well with the music but sometimes it's just too much and gets on my nerves. Lyrics are loud'n'clear about the hope we have in Jesus and also talk about the importance that we as Christians armour up ourself so we can fight the battle against satan and be victorious warriors in the army of God. Holy Blood needs to spend some more energy on producing and polish the vocals a little. But overall this is promising indeed and it's great to hear a band that has an unique sound. So a big hail to the Christian Vikings of Holy Blood! References: Check it out if you want to hear something fresh in the viking metal vein. Fans of Vardoger and Arvinger gonna eat this up! Website: http://www.holyblood.metal-forever.com Orderinfo: Check with the mailordercompanys listed here here
I love Glam Metal / Melodic Metal and Holy Soldier is a band that do it very well. Their music is filled with big catchy hooks, big choruses, great high pitched vocals and a dual guitar attack. Back in 1990 their debut was released and now finally it is remastered and available again. And what a great album this is! This is music that should rule the airwaves and top the charts since it features hit after hit. The extensive booklet is really cool with lyrics and plenty of extra pictures. Bonus tracks are previously unreleased "In The End" as well as a radio spot. My only complaint is that some tunes slows down in tempo too much. Would have love them to be faster and more upbeat. Other than this album truly rocks on and on. References: Fans of Shout and Stryper are gonna love this as well as everyone else into Glam & Melodic Metal. Website: www.holysoldier.com/ Orderinfo: Check with the mailordercompanys listed here here Back to top
Holy Knight is a new one-man-band. Crush Satan is their first release. Typical for this cd is the very bad production. This really sounds like a demo. Musically it has a groovy 70s/80s vibe to it but it's almost unhearable because of the bad production. Everything on this release needs to be improved, the vocals, the music and the composing. Sorry dude, but you have some serious work to do and make sure you spend a lot of time in studio next time. I give it a 1+ rating. Back to top
Hope is back with a new cd filled with oldschool thrash. Music is overall more varied and better composed than previous release. They have also thrown in more harmonies which is a big plus. Mind Over Matter is a really good track with it's crunchy rhyhtm. Light of the Salvation, Ad Aeternam and Jesus Loves You are some other highlights. What still holds the band back is the production, it's still way too muddy to rival the best bands. If the band continue on in this style and improve the production coming releases will be really interesting. References: Check it out if you are into thrash. Website: http://www.hopemetal.tk Orderinfo: Available from www.nordicmission.net Back to top
Hope hails from Croatia and plays thrash. Something that strikes me when I listen to this cd is that Hope really needs to spend more time rehearsing so they get a tighter sound. Production is another area the band needs to put more work and money on. There are however some tunes that gives hope for the future and shows that the band has talent to write and play good tunes (even if they need much more practise). My favourite tracks are More Than Words and Love Song For Z. Hope's strengths are that they have the right focus, good speed and also incorporate melodic harmonies in their sound. I do hear some talent here. Just spend more time rehearsing and next release can be something cool. References: Thrash metallers may give this a try. Website: http://www.hopemetal.tk Orderinfo: Available from www.nordicmission.net Back to top
Hope is a new metal band from Croatia! The first metalband I have ever heard of from this country. Good to hear that christian metal is growing and that new bands come up from new countries. The sound on this 22 minute mini-cd is very raw and it's definately not wellproduced. Musically speaking Hope's style is mostly thrash with some slower parts incorporated. What I like with this band is their full thrash metal assault attitude without holding anything back. I also like the slower melodic parts. Lyrics are really Christ-centered which you can also see clearly in song titles like I Believe, The Almighty and The Cross. These three are also my favourites tunes on the cd along with A.D.S. The big drawback with this release is the production. They really need to get a much better production in coming releases. Another very important thing they need to do is to practise more and get a tighter sound. Mikes vocals can also be improved and be a lot more fluent than they are on this cd. With these things said they do have a promising sound, just need to improve it more. If just the production was better they might have received a better rate. I wish Hope all luck. Keep thrashing for the Lord! References: Check it out if you love thrash in the veins of Believer and early Vengeance Rising and want to check out something new. Website: http://www.hopemetal.tk Orderinfo: See the band's website. Back to top or mainpage |
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© Johannes Jonsson 1997-2016  e-mail: johannes@metalforjesus.org |