![]() GARBAGE  IN  = GARBAGE  OUT! Everything that we feed us with will affect us in some way, either in a positive or a negative way. Therefore we have to be cautious so we don't feed ourselves with bad things that draw us away from God. Even if you don't pay much attention to the lyrics they will affect you in some way. The Bible says that we shall reap what we sow. <Gal 6:7-8> If you are sowing tistles you will reap tistles. That is the simple truth. If you are constantly feeding yourself with garbage messages in music it's no wonder you have a hard time to get a tight relationship with God! So many christians are weak and lukevarm mostly because they are feeding themselves with garbage messages from the world and don't take time to read the Bible nor to pray. Then it's no wonder that they think and act like the world and don't grow in faith nor get more Christlike. WHAT  ARE  YOU  SUPPORTING?? Another thing many people don't realize is that when you buy secular music you are supporting the bands and what they stand for. If the bands then are promoting a bad message you are helping them to promote it and continue to be bad examples that in the end might lead people to Hell! I don't want to have that on my conscience. Many bands also have a questionable/sinful lifestyle. Is this really something you want to support or promote? Well, you are supporting it if you are buying their albums. DON'T  MAKE  YOUR  BROTHER  STUMBLE! If you are listening to questionable bands other christians that are aren't as strong in faith as you may also start to listen to these bands and take their message to their hearts and finally fall away from faith. Then you are responsible for making them to stumble and the Bible says in <Romans 14:13-23> that you shouldn't act so that your brother might stumble. CHRISTIAN  MUSICIANS I can understand however that christian musicians listen to some secular music to get musical ideas and check what's going on in the music scene. SECULAR  BANDS  WITH  A  "GOOD"  MESSAGE             What then about all the secular bands that have a somewhat good or neutral message then? Well, be your own judge. It's very personal which secular bands people can listen to. However, if you feel that you are drawn away from God when you are listening to a specific band then I highly recommend that you better not listen to it anymore, for your own sake.
Personally, I only listen to secular music occasionally for reference, to be able to recommend christian bands in the same genre. Aside from this I don't listen to nor buy any secular music at all.
I'm not saying that everyone has to listen to christian music only but people should at least be cautious to what they listen to so they don't feed themselves with a bad message that draws them away from God.
© Johannes Jonsson 2003  e-mail: johannes@metalforjesus.org |