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Metal For Jesus CrossMetal For Jesus CrossHere I have lots of cool info about Christian Metal and Christianity. If you aren't familiar with Christian Metal at all you have definately come to the right place! Here you will find lots of links to Christian Metal bands, a Reference Chart between Christian and Secular Metal bands, plenty of album reviews, Christian Metal History section, teachings and other cool stuff. X

Lyrics and info about the Metal For Jesus album

Also, if you have any questions about Christian Metal or Christian faith feel free to send a mail and I will do my best to answer you. Send your questions to

Since the page has grown a lot since it's beginnings 1997 I have decided to split it up in two parts, one directed to Christian Metal and the other directed to those of you that already are Christians.

In His Service

Johannes Jonsson

Last updated 2023-12-29

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© Johannes Jonsson 1997-2022  e-mail: